Portsmouth, 30th-31st July 2022.
Thanks to Lex Kraaijeveld for this group of images from Saturday 30th July.
4 Rokkakus 1992 (stacked)
Parafoil 1990
For the first session (30th July 2022) we had decided to try and fly the two Parafoils, the stack of 1992 Rokkakus and the two of the 1992 design Revolution kites.
The smaller Parafoil was launched first followed by the stack of Rokkakus which were stabilised with a black lifter kite. The larger parafoil was then launched and the two Revolution kites then took up position.
Paul Reynolds on the PA gave a detailed description of the association between the team and Jørgen Møller Hansen during this session.
Parafoil 1991, 4 Rokkakus and 2 Revs.
For the second session (30th July 2022) the two stacks were walked into the main arena and eventually four Revolution kites took positions in close proximity to them.
Six of the re-made 1992 design sails.
This is a wonderful image by Alan Pinnock of a six stack that captures a moment... perfectly!
And then a final image from Lex Kraaijeveld on Sunday afternoon. Six Decs 1.5 mid vented 2009 sails under the Serpent.
Images by Felix Mottram.
First Session 30th July 2022.
For the first session, the smaller Parafoil was launched followed by the Rokkaku stack. The large 1991 Parafoil was then launched and as the Rokkaku Stack was perfectly stable this group of images were captured.
Two re-made 1992 design Rev sails.
Images by Felix Mottram.
Second Session 30th July 2022.
Triple Malay Stack 1988
The two stacked kites were prepared for the second session and images captured before the 1992 design Revolution sails as a group of four were flown in close proximity.
Double Malay Stack 1994
Images by Franca Perletti.
First Session 30th July 2022.
Images by Franca Perletti.
Second Session 30th July 2022.
The anchor points for the bars were quickly modified as the stacks were prepared to move into the arena in order to take some of the weight off the arms of the fliers!
Page Updated March 2025 Felix Mottram